Wednesday, October 21, 2009

writing in class...

not much new to report. one girl that left for home came back after a momentary freak out. I let her know she's not the only one homesick and feeling lost. I can't think of this in terms of 27 months anymore. I just go day by day. Supposedly training is the worst time and once you get to your site things are way better. I hope so! Had a medical session yesterday. We've got all kinds of coverage but if I'm sick, don't bother calling Washington DC mom or dad because they won't tell you anything!. We get to learn how to prick our fingers to make slides to test for malaria. Yes please. Went on a field trip yesterday. UGH. I think since studying abroad I am just over being lead into buildings in large groups of people. Someone fainted. I've skipped lunch the last 3 days so I could be away from people for a little bit. I just buy bread in town and make a pb & j. plus, the lunch food is same as dinner so it's getting old. But there was a nice sunset last night and had a nice, long walk home. I was able to download Skype (mfogarty123) for when I have my own internet (I hope) and then there was another city wide blackout. WE got a teapot to heat up our yellow water which is soooooo amazing. It makes a tremendous difference as you can imagine. We start model school next week so were actually going to be teaching. Totally have no idea what I'm doing as I've never taught a foreign language. Also, it's a bit intimidating that the kids range in age from 12 to like twenty something adults...I'll give more details when I have them. I went and saw my host family again today. I brought my ipod and speakers and showed em what's up. On the first day we met I told them I liked bananas so she gave me like 30. no big deal. We chilled, had some convos about my pictures and planned on making food Sunday. I am going to go over in the morning and help her prepare a rwandan meal and then we'll grub. That's it. trying to post some pics on facebook. xoxox

roomies & housemates

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